
Mike Pozulp is a computational scientist who works at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is also a PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley. He may be contacted using the info in his resume.

Presentations and Publications

Lead author indicated by *
    • "A Hybrid Second Moment Method for Thermal Radiative Transfer" (with T. Haut, P. Brantley, S. Olivier, J. Vujic). In review for publication in Proceedings of M&C 2025. Denver, Colorado. April 2025.*
    • "Status of Mercury and Imp: Two Monte Carlo Transport Codes Developed Using Shared Infrastructure at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory" (with B. Beck, R. Bleile, P. Brantley, S. Dawson, N. Gentile, E. Gonzalez, J. Grondalski, M. Lambert, M. McKinley, M. O'Brien, R. Procassini, D. Richards, A. Robinson, S. Sepke, D. Stevens, R. Vega, M. Yang). Published in EPJ-N and presented at SNA+MC 2024. Paris, France. October 2024.*
    • "Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment" (with O. Hurricane, A. Kritcher, A. Zylstra, D. Callahan, and many others). Physics Review Letters 132, 065102. February 2024.
    • "Noisy Radiation Diffusion in MFEM" (with T. Haut, P. Brantley, J. Vujic). Presented at MFEM Community Workshop. Internet. October 2023.*
    • "An Implicit Monte Carlo Acceleration Scheme" (with T. Haut, P. Brantley, J. Vujic). In Proceedings of M&C 2023. Niagara Falls, Canada. August 2023.*
    • "Progress Porting LLNL Monte Carlo Transport Codes to Nvidia GPUs" (with R. Bleile, P. Brantley, S. Dawson, M. McKinley, M. O'Brien, A. Robinson, M. Yang). In Proceedings of M&C 2023. Niagara Falls, Canada. August 2023.*
    • "Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment" (with O. Hurricane, A. Kritcher, A. Zylstra, D. Callahan, and many others). Physics Review Letters 129, 075001. August 2022.
    • "Fast Solvers for the Finite Element Method" (with B. Muldoon). Unpublished. May 2022.
    • "Enhancements supporting IC usage of PEM libraries on next-gen platforms" (with D. Richards, B. Ryujin). Technical Report LLNL-TR-823775, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California. June 2021.
    • "RISC-V Code Generation Comparison" (with Y. Miyasaka). Unpublished. May 2021. *
    • "Heterogeneity, Hyperparameters, and GPUs: Towards Useful Transport Calculations Using Neural Networks" (with P. Brantley, T. Palmer, J. Vujic). In Proceedings of M&C 2021, 1252-1261. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2021. *
    • "Extending 1D Transport Using Neural Nets to GPUs" (with P. Brantley). Accepted for presentation at SNA+MC 2020. Tokyo, Japan. May 2020. (abstract only ) *
    • "Transitioning the Scientific Software Toolchain to Clang/LLVM" (with S. Dawson, R. Bleile, P. Brantley, M. McKinley, M. O'Brien, D. Richards). Accepted for presentation at EuroLLVM 2020. Paris, France. April 2020. *
    • "Status of LLNL Monte Carlo Transport Codes on Sierra GPUs" (with M. McKinley, R. Bleile, P. Brantley, S. Dawson, M. O'Brien, D. Richards). In Proceedings of M&C 2019, 2160-2165. Portland, Oregon. August 2019.
    • "1D Transport Using Neural Nets, SN, and MC." In Proceedings of M&C 2019, 876-885. Portland, Oregon. August 2019. (errata ) *
    • "Porting the Opacity Client Library to a CPU-GPU Cluster Using OpenMP4.5" (with J. Kimko, R. Haque, L. Grinberg). In Proceedings of SC17. Denver, Colorado. November 2017.
    • "Introduction to Monte Carlo." Presented at LLNL's Computation Summer Student Seminar Series, June, 2017 and W&M Math Department Colloquium Series, October, 2017. *
    • "LLNL Monte Carlo Transport Research Efforts for Advanced Computing Architectures" (with P. Brantley, R. Bleile, S. Dawson, N. Gentile, M. McKinley, M. O'Brien, D. Richards, D. Stevens, J. Walsh, H. Childs). In Proceedings of M&C 2017. Jeju, Korea. April 2017.
    • "Optimizing Application I/O by Leveraging the Storage Hierarchy Using the Scalable Checkpoint Restart Library with a Monte Carlo Particle Transport Application on the Trinity Advanced Computing System" (with G. Becker, P. Brantley, S. Dawson, K. Mohror, A. Moody, M. O'Brien). In Proceedings of SC16. Salt Lake City, Utah. November 2016. *
    • "Creating a Framework for Systematic Benchmarking of High Performance Computing Systems." In Proceedings of SC14. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2014. *
EPJ-N is the European Physica Journal - Nuclear Sciences & Technologies.
SNA+MC is the Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo.
EuroLLVM is the European LLVM Developers' Meeting.
M&C is the International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering.
SC is the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.